Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy
Our Pediatric Physical Therapists will work with your child to improve their gross motor development and maximize their function.
Physical Therapy includes therapeutic treatment techniques to assist your child in achieving gross motor milestones such as rolling, crawling, sitting, standing and walking. Our physical therapists will encourage your child to attain their optimal function and age-appropriate gross motor performance by including a variety of treatment techniques.
Treatment Techniques
- Passive/active range of motion
- Tone normalization activities
- Strengthening
- Balance and coordination training
- Motor planning activities
- Postural control activities
- Endurance and gait training
Areas of Treatment
- Positioning
- Postural control and alignment
- Strengthening through play
- Balance and coordination
- Neuromuscular and motor control
- Vestibular and proprioception activities
- Orthotic and adaptive equipment needs
- Seating system, wheelchair and stander use
- Walker and gait trainer use
- Durable medical equipment needs